A Call for an Anti-White Supremacy Agenda
The frustration and horror for me, as I watch the killing of George Floyd, is watching Derek Chauvin. His faceless expression, which expressed a blatant disregard for human life, and more specifically, Black life. There was a coldness or detachment in that faceless expression, which ignored Floyd’s plea that he could not breathe. This pleading for breath, for his life, reminded me of Eric Garner’s untimely death. Again, here was this white male, Chauvin, and those around him, who took a vow to serve and protect, yet with total detachment, dishonoring that vow and seem to be functioning from a historic creed where Black men ended up brutally murdered: burned alive, hung, or victims of another method of lynching. Numerous questions flowed through my mind after watching the wasting away of this Black man, and Chauvin’s dispassionate expression. Unlike the historic lynchings of Black men and women that were witnessed by a few onlookers, this time millions of global viewers witnessed Floyd’s plea for his life; like thousands before him did.
For 8 minutes and 46 seconds, I wondered what was going on in Chauvin’s minds during those fading minutes of Floyd’s life? Did he harbor personal anger and hatred towards Floyd, Black men, and Black people? Angry at the Black body’s resilience throughout time, thus hated its existence; its modern-day capabilities and potentialities? At what point did his anger and hatred become radicalized or weaponized? Did he wake up every day prior to this tragedy waiting on the opportunity to express his loyalty to this anger and hatred? Or, did he just wake up that day, May 25, 2020, motivated to cause harm against a Black life – to kill a Black man or women; looking for the opportunity to exploit his power as an officer of the law and, most importantly, exploiting his power and privilege as a white male over a Black life? How long did he harbor these feelings of anger and hatred? Was this his grand opportunity to express his supremacy – white supremacy – over a big Black man? In expressing his supremacy – white supremacy – was Floyd’s death his reward; his validation; the final test of his loyalty? Was this a childhood burden he carried until May 25, 2020? Was he jealous of George Floyd for some reason; despising this Black body?
Questions continue to flow through my mind while trying to make sense of this senseless act. Trying to understand this moment requires placing it within the context of a long history of Black lives not mattering. White supremacy is built on this notion of Black lives not mattering. The reoccurring terrorism that has plagued Black lives in this country sustains this lie of supremacy. Thus, I believe the root cause of many global injustices (see diagram) originates from imperialism, which has manifested itself in the form of colonization, and more specifically white supremacy. White supremacy has utilized various methods to maintain its existence (second layer outward), which produces many forms of social injustices (outer layer). Many social justice scholars and other activists have approached the methods or symptoms of white supremacy in hopes of dismantling the root cause, and rightfully so. Their efforts seek to bring about social justice; more specifically, emancipatory justice. Emancipatory justice requires a multi-level approach in efforts to excavate and depose of the root cause of social injustices. It begins with developing and promoting an anti-white supremacy agenda: exposing the lie, dethroning its authority, deconstructing its ideologies, and interrogating its existence.
Since white supremacy is the root cause of many global social inequalities, developing an anti-white supremacy agenda is fundamental. Having an anti-white supremacy agenda ultimately begins with the following steps. However, they are extreme measures and necessary if we desire to be totally emancipated from this disease:
- To make “America” great again or transition to greatness requires giving it back to its original owners – the handful of indigenous people who have survived the genocidal exploits of white supremacy.
- Reparation for all formerly enslaved people. This includes not only governmental reparations, but reparations from corporations, institutions of higher education, religious institutions, etc., that benefitted from the slave-kidnapping and selling of enslaved Africans, and the billions of dollars generated by enslaved labor.
The pragmatism and likelihood of the first two steps hinge on revolutionary measures; step one will require extreme revolutionary measures. Step two is possible but only with revolutionary legislation, as a result of a shift in political ideology. If the first steps cannot be accomplished, other steps include addressing how the second layer of the diagram can be altered, to facilitate an anti-white supremacy agenda. This layer consists of mechanisms that assist with the implementation and institutionalization of white supremacy. For example, regarding the police state, reform is needed. For many Blacks, due to our interactions with the police and our ultimate relationship with this country, we have inherited the perception that the U.S. is a police state. We feel our movements, freedoms, rights, are monitored, limited, and at times restricted. Because of our Black bodies, specifically, there has been and continues to be an over-policing of our existence mainly by white officers and especially in white spaces; recent examples include George Floyd and Eric Garner.
On a more global scale, we must be mindful of how the white supremacist military regime has been and continues to be used against nations of brown and black-skinned people, with the goals of controlling and exploiting the natural resources of these countries. Police brutality is simply an extension of militaristic behavior exerted throughout the world in the name of white supremacy.
Laws that address the outer layer of the diagram must continue to be created and strictly enforced. This is generally where most of our focus has been – on the manifestations of white supremacy. Thus, we have been addressing the symptoms, but not necessarily the root cause of the illness. This isn’t an indictment, but an observation. These efforts have provided some temporary relief. For example, women's rights movements, Civil Rights movements, human rights movements, etc. have advanced the rights for various marginalized groups. They have increased access and opportunities through the creation and enforcement of laws that have worked to reduce sexism, racism, classism, and other expressions of prejudices and discrimination. Therefore, we must continually work on this layer, with the goal of abolishing the core.
All mechanisms used to sustain white supremacy and all manifestation of white supremacy cannot escape intense scrutiny. The educational system that institutionalizes inequalities and disseminates propaganda that reproduces social inequalities must be reformed. The persistence of cultural hegemony, where the myth of Americanism and democracy are euphemisms for white supremacy, must be demolished to give way to a more inclusive ethos. The ways in which religion, more specifically, European Christianity, have been pervasive in undergirding white supremacist expansion will require continual interrogation. Also, continual reproductions of scientific racism that discriminate, deny treatment and perpetuate health disparities, especially evident during the COVID 19 pandemic, have to persistently be exposed.
Ultimately, the steps or measures employed to eradicate white supremacy are most effective when market disruption is part of the process or an outcome of the process. In capitalist societies, market disruption gets the attention of the corporate elite and politicians; thus, encouraging them to act because of their economic interests, and basically their fear of economic loss. History has proven that the threat to economic gain, prompts capitalist elite and politicians to seek concessions that appease the participants who are imposing the threats. Interest convergence has typically been the political practice used to re-stabilize markets and restores social equilibrium. Thus, if we are willing to reap the fruits of a post-white supremacy world, we must endure the tilling of the soil and the disruption of our comfort zones.
Diagram – The Global Diffusion of White Supremacy