Thursday, March 15, 2012

Underdogs of the World Unite

A version of this piece appeared in the New York Times Room for Debate section on March 13, 2012. 

Each year during March Madness, it is always refreshing when mid-majors (e.g., Butler or George Mason) or academics-first institutions, like Harvard, make the bracket cut. It provides the average fan with an opportunity to identify with their plight.  Given the economic conditions of this nation, many Americans are feeling like underdogs – modern day Davids facing Goliaths. With the of predominance major conferences (SEC, ACC, Big 10, etc.), the appearance of smaller conference teams provides a redeeming element to this multibillion-dollar tournament and an opportunity for us to cheer for the underdog.

Underdogs aside, however, it’s hard for me to get excited about this tournament when the harsh reality is that less than 1% of the 380,000 student athletes in this country generates more than 90% of the yearly revenue for the N.C.A.A. Furthermore, over 60% of this “less than 1%” are African American males – the true underdogs. Academic achievement is the lowest among these athletes. It is not because of their academic inabilities but because of the athletic demands placed upon them.  Imagine if you were one of 12 employees whose abilities were responsible for generating millions of dollars each year for your athletic corporation. How much quality time and energy would you have to give to other activities?

Each year several reports are produced to highlight the incongruities in competitive college athletics, where dismal academic performances are overshadowed by athletic dominance. To offset this imbalance, more funding must go into the academic development and preparation of the labor force that is generating this revenue. For the 2010-11 fiscal year, the N.C.A.A. redistributed 61% of its revenue to Division I conferences. A meager 17% went to student/academic specific funds: 5% was earmarked for the Academic Enhancement Fund and 12% went to the Student-Athlete Assistance Fund. In order to support and focus on the student in “student”-athletes and restore the Collegiate in National “Collegiate” Athletic Association, the N.C.A.A. and its Division I conference member institutions must put academics at the center of revenue distribution and reduce the economic exploitation of the “student” athlete.

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