Tuesday, October 3, 2017

President #45: The Personification of “Unrestricted” White Male Privilege

President #45: The Personification of “Unrestricted” White Male Privilege

If there was ever a point in American History where the definition of “unrestricted” white male privilege has not been blatantly defined, clearly understood and demonstrated, we are witnessing it that point in history now. I say “unrestricted” white male privilege because social class has the ability to distort or limit the exercise of white male privilege. Thus, white male privilege exist at all socioeconomic class levels, but its implementation, pervasiveness, and effectiveness is more evident beyond working class white male populations. The president of the most powerful nation in the world is demonstrating and has demonstrated, prior to taking office, what it means to have unrestricted white male privilege. If it is still unclear, let me make it plan: it is the ability to say and do whatever you want with little to no repercussions. Furthermore, it is the ability to censure, fire, discredit, and/or degrade anyone who doesn’t agree with you without consequences. It is like having access and opportunity to whatever you want regardless of who owns it or who feelings you might hurt in taking what you want, saying what you want, and simply doing whatever the hell you want. I know that sounds like some toddlers that attend my son’s daycare center, but unfortunately, we are witnessing the personification of unrestricted white male privilege in its rawest form in this nation’s highest office.

Here we have President #45 exhibiting actions towards people of color that clearly align themselves with the actions of white supremacists, which is typical of white male privilege. For example: he and his administration established a travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries, which are, predominantly people of color; seek to build a wall to keep Mexicans out (also people of color); he called KKK members who marched in Charlottesville, VA, “good people” (keep in mind that the KKK were and are the most notorious terrorist organizations in American history, especially against people of color) but refers to Black NFL players who peacefully protest racial injustices in this country by taking a knee during the singing of the national anthem as, “Sons of Bitches”; he and his administration initially rescind DACA policy (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and conservatively reform this policy with the SUCCEED Act; he and his administration treated Puerto Ricans and Puerto Rico, like America’s side-piece, not warranting the full attention or resources to meet their dire needs. The list of racially charged and sexist acts goes on by this president who arrogantly and boastfully demonstrates unrestricted white male privilege.

What makes his personification of unrestricted white male privilege sustainable is that it is condoned and nurtured within the system of white supremacy. Therefore, the institution of the presidency and its current president is making white America great again, because they are in fear of losing ground as the racial demographics of this nation begin to reflect the racial demographics of the world.

What is being exposed with greater intensity, with a leader who personifies unrestricted white male privilege is deep-seated racial hatred that fuels the resurgence of the KKK and other white supremacist groups. Simply stated, President #45 is voicing the thoughts and ideas of many of his followers. This unrestricted privilege enables supporters of President #45 to project their slave-master’s ideology on people of color, in general, and Blacks, specifically. For example, when they suggest that professional Black male athletes should be grateful for the amount of money they are making, thus, they should just shut up and play ball; don’t politicize the game, simply entertain us. They forget that the entry of the national anthem or displaying the American flag automatically politicizes the sporting event. How can you separate the political ideology of a nation from the national symbols that distinguishes it from other nations? Thus, once again, we have whites seeking to control the Black body; establishing the parameters within which it can exist.

Should we be surprised or shocked by this behavior? Well, we shouldn’t, especially when we place this behavior, the exhibition of unrestricted white male privilege, within the socio-historical context of this country. There has been and continues to be a racial divide in this country because it has never adequately addressed its race problem. The U.S. has never adequately atoned for its history of genocide against Native Americans, the original inhabitants of this country or the enslavement of millions of Africans (Blacks) throughout Europe, the Caribbean, and North America; and the forms of oppression and exploitation it birthed – e.g., Jim Crow segregation, disproportionate rate of incarceration of Blacks, etc. This nation created a reservation system as token concessions for the millions of acres that were stolen, but what about the millions of Native Americans who were exterminated. The U.S. has never provided sufficient reparations for the millions of lives that were displaced because of the Atlantic slave kidnapping and the system of slavery that was a major catalyst to the capitalist economy. The U.S. never sought to provide Blacks or Native Americans with the equal access to opportunities that whites assumed by birth. These racial wounds are deep and have been festering for hundreds of years. We have tolerated this illness, ignored it symptoms, and provided superficial treatment hoping that it will get better. Well, here we are. Despite, making some symbolic progress when “we” elected former president Mr. Barack Obama to two terms. Yet, here we are. The momentary destabilization of hopelessness fostered by the prophet of change, former President Obama, has been undermined and dismantled by President #45.

Moving beyond the psychosocial damage the disease of white supremacy and unrestricted white male privilege is spreading will take aggressive measures of social protests, similar to the statement Colin Kaepernick initiated with his act of kneeling during the singing of the National Anthem; which is merely a continuation of protests this nation has experienced from those desiring social and racial justice throughout history. Until the consciousness of this nation rise above the degenerative state it is currently experiencing, protest, preferably peaceful protests, will be necessary.

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